
Privacy Policy

All information contained on this website is intended for reference only. Business Integration Solutions Limited does not guarantee the truth, accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information, and accepts no liability (whether in tort, contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage howsoever arising from or in reliance on the content of this website. Although this website includes links to other third-party websites, Business Integration Solutions Limited has not participated in the development of those other sites and does not exert any editorial or other control over those websites. Access to and use of such other websites is at the user’s own risk. Business Integration Solutions Limited is not responsible for the truth or accuracy or the content of the information contained in those websites. Links to and from this website do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Business Integration Solutions Limited of the third parties or their products/services. Business Integration Solutions Limited does not warrant the security of any information which may be provided to any third party and is not responsible for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any access to or interaction with any other websites via this website.
This website is provided “as is”. Business Integration Solutions Limited expressly excludes any warranty or representation of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or implied terms of merchantability, satisfactory quality, and fitness for purpose or non-infringement. Without prejudice to the foregoing, Business Integration Solutions Limited does not warrant that the operation of the website will be uninterrupted or error free or that the website will be free from any viruses, worms or any other anomalies.
Intellectual Property Rights

The copyright in the design and layout of this website and any information contained on this website belongs to Business Integration Solutions Limited. No user of this website may distribute, modify, transmit, or use the contents of this website in any manner for public or commercial purposes without prior written permission from Business Integration Solutions Limited. The products, technology or processes described on this website may be the subject of other intellectual property rights reserved by Business Integration Solutions Limited or by other third parties. No license is granted in respect of those intellectual property rights. All marks which are identified with the symbol ® or ™ are trade or service marks belonging to and used by Business Integration Solutions Limited. Uses of such marks are prohibited without the prior written consent of Business Integration Solutions Limited.

Privacy Policy Statement
When Business Integration Solutions Limited collects information from you, its policy is to comply fully with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance which regulates in Hong Kong the treatment of personal data. Personal data is any information relating to any living individual from which it is possible to identify that individual. In dealing with personal data, Business Integration Solutions Limited will ensure its staff comply with the standards of security and confidentiality prescribed by law. This Statement shows Business Integration Solutions Limited’s commitment to protecting your personal data and explains its practice in relation to the collection, retention, storage and sharing of personal data. Collection of Personal Information Business Integration Solutions Limited will occasionally collect personal data from you which will be processed for the specific purpose given at the time or for any purpose provided for in this Statement. Such purposes may include fulfillment of your specific requests or applications relating to Business Integration Solutions Limited’s services, jobs, etc., the processing of your complaints, enquiries or feedback, or the identification and verification of you as a user. The provision of personal data or any information is voluntary. However, if you do not supply all information requested by Business Integration Solutions Limited, this may result in Business Integration Solutions Limited’ being unable to process your requests fully or at all. Business Integration Solutions Limited shall make a record of your visit to this website. The record will show the domain name server address part of your email address and details of the pages visited. Business Integration Solutions Limited only collects aggregate information about the number and types of visitors by reference to their domain name server address. This information is used by Business Integration Solutions Limited to prepare general statistics on the usage of this website and may also be disclosed by Business Integration Solutions Limited in the case of any unlawful use of the website. Security Where personal data is stored electronically, it will be kept in a password-protected form. Personal data, whether stored in electronic form on computers or in hard-copy form, will be accessible only by authorised officers or employees of Business Integration Solutions Limited. Persons designated by Business Integration Solutions Limited to handle personal data will be made acquainted with this Statement and told how to fulfil Business Integration Solutions Limited’s obligations to you. Any personal data Business Integration Solutions Limited receives from you will not be disclosed to any third party except as provided herein, as notified to you at the time of collection, or with your prior consent. Hyperlinks This Statement only applies to Business Integration Solutions Limited. If you click on a hyperlink taking you from this website to another website, Business Integration Solutions Limited shall not be responsible for the privacy and security practices or the content of such website and you should refer to the privacy policy of each website you enter. Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Information Personal data held by Business Integration Solutions Limited will be kept confidential but Business Integration Solutions Limited may provide such information to: any personnel, agent, adviser, auditor, contractor or service provider who provides services or advice to Business Integration Solutions Limited in connection with its operations; any person under a duty of confidentiality to Business Integration Solutions Limited; or, any person to whom Business Integration Solutions Limited is required to make disclosure under any law applicable in or outside New Zealand. You should note that as Business Integration Solutions Limited has no control over the acts of any third party, the privacy protection referred to in this Statement ceases to apply to any information which has been disclosed to a third party in accordance with its policy. Business Integration Solutions Limited endeavours to deal only with responsible third parties but assumes no responsibility for the privacy protection provided by such third parties. Data Retention The personal information you provide to Business Integration Solutions Limited will be retained only for such period as may be necessary for the carrying out of the purposes referred to in this Statement or as otherwise specified at the time of collection. Personal Information Access and Correction You have the right to request access to and (if appropriate) correction of personal data held by Business Integration Solutions Limited about you. If you wish to exercise this right, please e-mail **Info@bisnz.co.**